Flight Test Safety Fact, 23-09
It’s back to school time, and Turbo makes an interesting observation that correlates what we did in school with what’s in this issue. There is a lot to read in this issue, but the simple fact that so many of
It’s back to school time, and Turbo makes an interesting observation that correlates what we did in school with what’s in this issue. There is a lot to read in this issue, but the simple fact that so many of
Last week, a fascinating discovery caught my eye. “Astronomers detect an ‘ultracool’ brown dwarf star burning at roughly 800 degrees, or cooler than a typical campfire; object is the coldest star on record still emitting radio waves”.1 These kinds of
My mother in law gave me a pack of playing cards for Christmas, and I immediately noticed the flag of Puerto Rico on the back. (She lives there now for part of the year conducting disaster relief missions on a
On 25 May, EASA published document number MOC SC-VTOL Issue 1, “Proposed Means of Compliance with the Special Condition VTOL” on their website. Comments are due by July 24, and I hope our readers will take time to look it
What are the chances that important things are happening so fast in our industry, and in so many places around the world, that you missed one of them? One example is the VTOL Proposed Means of Compliance, a document EASA
In flight test as in other disciplines, measurement and calculation result in different types of errors. Some of these errors are not systematic but are random. Often we call these measurement errors noise, and it is these errors that are