This article first appeared in the January 1986 Flight Test News.
By Anne Pennella, Secretary/Treasurer, Seattle Chapter
October Meeting – Museum of Flight
The Seattle Chapter conducted its October dinner meeting at the Museum of Flight which featured a presentation on the history of Flight Test by Dr. Richard Hallion. The evening started off with a get-acquainted hour with complimentary wine being served followed by a tour of the Museum of Flight conducted by Museum Curator, Mr. Vic Seely. A “Pasta Bar” dinner with salads, vegetables, etc., preceded Dr. Hallion’s talk entitled, “Flight Testing-From the Wright Brothers to the Space Shuttle.” Dr. Hallion was curator of Science and Technology at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C., before accepting the post of Chief Historian at Edwards Air Force Base. His talk, accompanied by slides which took us through the history of flight testing from the Wright Brothers to the Space Shuttle, was extremely interesting and entertaining, and the whole evening was thoroughly enjoyed by those who attended.
November Meeting-Wind Tunnel Visit
A field trip to the Boeing Aerodynamics Laboratory wind tunnel facilities on November 11, 1985 was attended by approximately 30 members and guests. After a briefing by the Laboratory staff describing the capabilities of the facility, the party was split into three groups for a tour. Members of the tour were surprised by the extent of the facilities which included the Transonic and Supersonic tunnels, model shop, machine shop, calibration laboratory and data reduction and computer facilities.
Christmas Dinner Closes Out 1985
The close of 1985 ended on a festive note for the Seattle Chapter. Our Christmas dinner party was held at the Seattle Trade Center on December 11, 1985. Despite the weeknight scheduling, about 55 members, spouses and guests attended and enjoyed the dinner and dancing. Thank you to all who helped organize and decorate and to those who participated to make this a merry and fun event. Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!
The February meeting of the Seattle Chapter will be a joint AIAA/SFTE meeting at the Pacific Science Center’s IMAX theater to view the space shuttle film, “The Dream Is Alive.”
This article first appeared in the January 1986 Flight Test News.
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