This article first appeared in the December 1973 Flight Test News.

As we enter this holiday season, the Board of Directors would like to extend a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years to each and every one of you. The past year has been a good one for the SFTE, and I would like to personally resolve to do my utmost to make 1974 an even better year.

Membership renewals have reached slightly over 50 percent as of December 4. I’m sure some of you have intended to renew but have let it slip by the wayside. Don’t wait until you are dropped from the mailing list. Since the Constitution allows only 60 days delinquency, this will be the last Newsletter you will receive unless you renew before January 1, 1974. Renewals by chapter are as follows:
At Large……………….71
Antelope Valley……62
Long Island………….55
North Texas…………50
Patuxent River…….51
Los Angeles…………54
St Louis……………….60

I regret that this is the first month since taking office that I cannot introduce a new individual member to you. I guess we will have to work harder. We have been able to welcome back several members that have taken advantage of our offer to renew without penalty.

I have mailed out letters soliciting Corporate Memberships from aerospace oriented companies. You can help the Society by talking up these memberships with the appropriate personnel in your organization. Encouragingly, we have already had a positive response from McDonnell Douglas’ Long Beach company, Douglas Aircraft. I hope that this addition to our group will encourage more corporate and individual memberships. Welcome to you, Douglas Aircraft! I heartily endorse your enthusiasm and join you in saying that we too “are looking forward to working…in promoting professional development and communication among individual members of the flight test engineering community.”

This article first appeared in the December 1973 Flight Test News.

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