This article first appeared in the December 1973 Flight Test News.

Published monthly by the Society of Flight Test Engineers, P.O. Box 1821, Lancaster, CA 93534. Original articles may be republished provided proper recognition is given to the authors and FLIGHT TEST NEWS.
Robert D. Johnstone …………………… President
Virginia Clare …………………….. Vice President
John Somsel …………………………………Secretary
Henning Andresen ……………………..Treasurer
P. Martin, J. Murray,
H. Cheney, C. Van Norman ………….Directors
Tom Laquidara …………………………………Editor


The National Office has the following items for sale:
Lapel pin $4.00 or $4.50 (with chain)
Decal (inside or outside). $ .50
Shoulder patch $1.00

This article first appeared in the December 1973 Flight Test News.

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