Recently, I heard a long-time USAF member of SETP say, “I never heard about the Flight Test Safety Committee.” I was speechless.

This newsletter is the first step in fixing that problem, but there is another part of that problem that you can help with: The FTSC will use existing distribution through Society of Experimental Test Pilot and Society of Flight Test Engineering email lists, but that excludes many of the people that we hope to reach.

One of our goals is to *reach everyone* – a qualitative statement that exaggerates the importance of getting the word out. More specifically though, in the first year, we intend to reach 117% of the membership of SFTE and SETP.

I don’t know if that’s enough. It is not an easy task to count the number of people who need to hear about FTSC and be part of the conversations that this newsletter will encourage.

I hope that you will give any member of the FTSC, or me as the Editor, your feedback on whether this newsletter hits the mark. I also hope that you will encourage the people in your office to submit their stories and participate in the discourse.

So on behalf of Tom Huff and the Flight Test Safety Committee, I am pleased to publish Flight Test Fact #19-01, the inaugural newsletter of the Flight Test Safety Committee.

Mark Jones Jr.

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