This article first appeared in the January 1971 Flight Test News.
An enthusiastic discussion of society goals and policy was the highlight of The Annual Business Meeting held on 5 October. Following a viewing of the excellent color film “Testing the 747,” the President’s report was presented by Bruce Inman. Noting that the October Symposium was the milestone event in a year that has seen membership approach the 500 mark, Bruce challenged the society to step up to specific goals, among them:
Publication of a flight test technical manual.
Publication of a quarterly technical journal titled “Flight Test Engineer.” Publication of a monthly newsletter.
Establishment of a flight test library service for films and technical data. Publication of a flight test directory.
Formation of technical advisory committees.
Publication of a flight test engineering textbook.
Formation of student chapters.
Encourage the formation of foreign sections and organization of an international affiliation.
Additional seminars.
At the conclusion of his report, Bruce opened the floor for discussion, the substance of which indicated an enthusiastic willingness to “Make the Commitments” and undertake specific action items to further the technical standing and financial posture of the Society. Include with the President’s report were:
a) Financial Reports showing revenues of $15,811.94 and expenses of $15,741.50, which with a Petty Cash fund of $25.00 results in Total Assets of $95.44 as of 30 September.
b) Executive Committee Report – Summarized activities leading to formulation and acceptance of Constitution in May 1969, and National By-Laws in June 1969. A “Minimum By-Law Requirements List” was accepted on 4 June 1969. Constitution was revised on 20 June 1970 to allow National Election and Annual Business Meeting to be conducted on 5 Oct. 1970. Committee recommends it be maintained for the purpose of establishing philosophy, policy and procedures to govern the Society.
c) Publications – Report summarized difficulties encountered in publishing the two issues of the journal. Primary problem was financial (over 50% of the Society expenses) due to poor responses for advertising and corporate support. Board of Directors has already recommended transferring responsibility for publication of the journal to another local chapter; The Publications Committee concurred.
d) Membership – Reviewed participation establishing membership requirements, formulating constitution and bylaws, designing application forms and membership cards, establishing computer program for membership listing and approving the first 100 applications. Total membership as of 2 October 1970 is:
Chapter or Location/Membership
Antelope Valley (1)…84
Long Island (2)…64
North Texas (3)…52
Patuxent River (4)…43
Los Angeles (5)…49
Wichita (6)…12
Seattle Area…124
Various Locations…29
e) Ethics – Relatively inactive since adoption of Society Code of Ethics in Nov. 1968. Action restricted to handling of membership applications containing information of a personal nature, and to internal procedures regarding deposit and control of Society funds.
f) Publicity – No Report.
g) Nomination and Election – Summarized ballot preparation, distribution, collection and counting; validating election of new national officers and Directors. Committee recommended that the officer for Chairman of the Nominations and Election Committee be established soon since the Constitution requires a start at least five months prior to the election.
This article first appeared in the January 1971 Flight Test News.
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