This article first appeared in the April 1970 Flight Test News.

The Long Island Chapter of the Society of Flight Test Engineers will sponsor a nation-wide symposium on October 6, 7 and 8, 1970, to exchange information and foster understanding of flight testing as it will be conducted in the 1970’s. A forum will be provided for the presentation of ideas and accomplishments linking advanced testing and computing techniques. Prime airframe contractors, government test agencies, data processing representatives and data acquisition specialists are being asked to participate. The symposium will discuss mutual problems of the flight test community in implementing technological advances and in applying new techniques.

Papers dealing with this subject are invited from all interested sources for presentation at the symposium.


Mr. R. Kenefick, President, Long Island Chapter SFTE, P.O. Box 38A, Ridge, NY 11961.

The National Office received information today from Mr. Kenefick that so far over 33 people have officially expressed their intent to submit papers for this seminar.

We are pleased that most SFTE chapters, or chapters in the process of forming, have expressed interest in this seminar. Those companies listed below have committed at least one paper for presentation.

Aerodata, Long Island
Boeing, Seattle
Boeing, Wichita
Egland (sic) Air Force Base, Florida
General Dynamics/Convair, Fort Worth
General Electric, Philadelphia
Grumman, Long Island
LTV, Dallas
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River

This article first appeared in the April 1970 Flight Test News.

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