This article first appeared in the April 1973 Flight Test News.
Beginning with this issue of the Flight Test News, we will be periodically publishing reprinted articles from various aerospace publications. The intent is to print articles that we feel are of interest to our membership. These articles will be published as a Technical Supplement in the absence of original articles by contributors. In order to print articles appealing to you, please let us know what subjects you are interested in.
Since our last issue, we have had a couple of suggestions from our membership that I would like to present. The first one has to do with offering an SFTE decal the same size as the lapel pin. The purpose being to allow members to attach the decal to their company identification badge to create some esprit de corps among SFTE members. I would very much like to hear the pros and cons of this suggestion from the membership.
The second suggestion was to investigate the feasibility of trying to establish a retirement seniority system between aerospace companies. The primary purpose of this is to offset the loss of seniority when moving from company to company. As we all know, flight test engineers are often required to move where the contracts are. It is not the intent of the Board of Directors to get involved in politics or company policy. At press time this issue had not been presented to the full Board of Directors; however, it will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Since I am a government employee I do nor have much of a feel for the implications of a program of this sort, therefore, I’m relying on the membership to educate me and let me know how you feel.
This article first appeared in the April 1973 Flight Test News.
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