This article first appeared in the July-August 1972 Flight Test News.
The Third National Symposium sponsored by the Society of Flight Test Engineers will be held on September 12-14, 1972 at the Inn of the Six Flags, Arlington, Texas. Details of the events were announced by officers of the host North Texas Chapter.
The primary theme of the Symposium is “Management and Control of Flight Test Programs.” “The Capabilities of Government Test Facilities” is the secondary theme of the three day meeting. The North Texas Chapter planners felt that because of the rapid technological advancement in the aerospace industry, management and control of flight test programs have become increasingly complex and sophisticated. The latest thinking and requirements of various governmental agencies and contractors will be presented, followed by round table discussions between the principal speakers.
Business Meeting Scheduled
The Symposium will also feature the annual business meeting of the Society of Flight Test Engineers. The members will elect the 1972-73 officers in addition to discussing the status and future goals of the Society. Outgoing President Bernard V. Stuber of the Naval Air Test Center will preside over the business meeting.
Numerous special activities have been arranged with various contractors throughout the Dallas-Ft. Worth Area. Tours of the American Airlines Flight Academy, Bell Helicopter, LTV Aerospace, and Convair Aerospace Division of General Dynamics have been scheduled. A Texas-style catered bar-b-que and the symposium banquet should satisfy the appetites of the attendees, who will be representing the international aerospace industry.
Top Speakers Slated
Symposium planners have assembled a fast paced program and a group of eminent speakers/panelists from government and industry. Vice Admiral Fredric A. Bardshar, USN will address the members at the Wednesday evening banquet. VADM Bardshar is Director of the Tactical Electromagnetic Programs Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Background information on all speakers is included in the attached brochure.
The Symposium will conclude on Thursday, September 14 with plant tours. A large turn-out is anticipated, and members are urged to submit the registration forms from the brochure as early as possible.
This article first appeared in the July-August 1972 Flight Test News.
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