This article first appeared in the December 1971 Flight Test News.
Contributed by David Gastinger, Flight Test Engineer, Bell Helicopter Co.
Bell Helicopter Jet Ranger II (Model 206B) featuring the new 400 SHP Allison 250-C20 engine has been certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for 3200 pounds gross weight, an increase of 200 pounds.
Use of the 400 SHP Allison engine derated to 317 SHP and 270 SHP, takeoff and maximum continuous respectively, allows the Model 206B to operate with full loads at much higher altitudes and temperatures than the presently certified Model 206A with the 250-C18 engine.
Special attention was given to increasing gross weight and performance characteristics at a minimum of cost. This allows the operator to purchase a Model 206B at little initial cost over the Model 206A, or to convert a Model 206A to a Model 206B at a minimum of cost. In addition to holding cost at a minimum, center of gravity limitations, rpm and airspeed limitations were established to allow the helicopter to operate under a variety of loading configurations, yet give the customer a relatively low vibration ride while operating at maximum gross weight.
These aims have been accomplished in the Model 206B, and the aircraft should prove to be a reliable, economical helicopter that can carry more pounds a given distance in less time and with no increase in direct operating cost over the presently certified Model 206A with the Model 250-C18 engine.
This article first appeared in the December 1971 Flight Test News.
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