This article first appeared in the April 1982 Flight Test News.

30 March 1982

Jerry Jones, President
Bill Fish, Vice President
Bob Evans, Treasurer
Jan Howell, Director
Floyd Dominick, Director
Ron Hart, Director
Roy Combley, Director (via telecon from Seattle)z
Dianne V an Norman, Executive Director

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by President Jones. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Membership Report: We now have a paid membership of 665 as of above date. Ninety-seven members have not renewed. D. Van Norman stated that this nonrenewal rate is typical of past experience. Ron Hart has sent a letter to each of the chapters stating which of their members has not renewed.

Financial Report.
Bob Evans reported that during February the Society received $4222 and spent $1885. This compares with last Feb. (1981) when receipts were $2800 and Expenditures $3200.

Jan Howell, Nominations Chairman, reported that no slates of officers have been received from any of the chapters. (Note: since the meeting a slate of officers from the Southeastern Chapter and Antelope Valley Chapter have been received.)

Membership Roster.
The estimated cost of printing a Membership Roster of $65.00 was received. A motion was made and passed unanimously that we proceed to print the roster based on this cost.

A motion was made and passed unanimously that the Society distribute two copies of the symposium proceedings to each corporate member.

The next BOD meeting was scheduled for Thursday, 29 April 1982, 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20p.m.

William Fish, Vice President

This article first appeared in the April 1982 Flight Test News.

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